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That feminism should celebrate unisex sports leagues

10 points
True Capitalist AcolyteTrue Capitalist Acolyte (PRO)
Feminism is for the equality of men and women in theory. Unisex sports leagues allow for men and women to compete with each other on equal ground. Unixsex sports leagues  would be one of the most notable advances in feminism. Am I saying all sports should be unisex? No. Am I saying that we should abandon male only or female only sports leagues? No. Feminism would best be personified in sports in unisex leagues where men and women can compete with each other. The most common unisex sports leagues I can recall from memory would be soccer or volleyball where men and women may compete with each other.

I will keep my central point short for Round 1 and further elaborate in the oncoming rounds the types of  unisex currently prevalent and why they should be celebrated by feminism. Unisex sports leagues should be encouraged and celebrated by feminists since everyone would be able to have a choice to join such leagues.

Return To Top | Posted:
2015-12-24 00:54:13
9 years ago
| Speak Round
Anthony TaiAnthony Tai (CON)
I would like to thank my opponent for posting their first argument.

I don't believe that feminists should celebrate unisex sports leagues. For years, feminists have been asking to have unisex sports leagues. However, while I believe that having unisex sports leagues should be allowed, I don't believe that it  should be celebrated. Let me tell you why. 

First of all, when you ask that feminists celebrate unisex sports leagues, why must they celebrate? After all, it is a simple privilege to have these sports leagues, but these rights have been denied. Since this is a right that everyone should have, we don't have to celebrate it. It should have been accepted long ago, but it was not. Therefore, if they celebrate it, they are not celebrating this event, but celebrating the fact that feminists had their rights denied.

Also, if these leagues are created, it would definitely lead to a number of problems. If a country's unisex sports league only accepted the best because of an event,(i.e: World Cup) women would still be discriminated. They would still be, in some people's opinions, lesser than the men. It could lead to lawsuits and discrimination, which would cause more trouble than a unisex sports league is worth.

Thank you for your time and consideration, judges.

Return To Top | Posted:
2015-12-26 13:32:02
9 years ago
| Speak Round
Anthony Tai: Hey there friend
HanFeiziStudent: Hey, thanks for presenting your arguments
HanFeiziStudent: Are unisex sports a form of equality? Yes or no.
Anthony Tai: No, the players are not equal
Anthony Tai: There may be a chance that the team might end up as all-men, which results in both controversy and anger
Anthony Tai: Do you believe in Christ? (this question is actually relevant)
HanFeiziStudent: No, I do not believe in Christ
HanFeiziStudent: Do you believe men and woman should be allowed to choose to engage in unisex sports? Yes or No.
Anthony Tai: If they were not allowed to, then there would be no freedom
Anthony Tai: Ask again, sir
HanFeiziStudent: That wasn't the question. Do you believe they should be allowed to engage in unisex sports? Yes or No.
HanFeiziStudent: The question relates to your own opinion in the matter

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True Capitalist AcolyteTrue Capitalist Acolyte (PRO)
My opponent has brought up several points that are valid by should be dismissed upon critical thought. 

My opponent claims that these unisex leagues should not be celebrated because these are rights that should of been guranteed. He goes on to claim that by celebrating unisex leagues we are celebrating the denial of rights. This shows my opponent has ignored my arguments from last round. Men and women being allowed to participate with one another is what feminists should be celebrating. Feminists should be celebrating when women are successful in such unisex sports leagues. The patriarchy that feminists have theorized is under attack when in unisex sports. Showing that women can compete with men and win is to be celebrated by feminists.

My opponent claims that lawsuits will ensue in such unisex sports leagues. Possibly but that is irrelevant to this debate. We are debating why feminists should celebrate unisex sports leagues. The people involved in the lawsuits will be the employer and their players. This has nothing to do with why feminists should be celebrating unisex sports leagues.

During the cross examination, my opponent goes on to claim that the players are not equal. This is based on my opponents opinion rather than fact. Look at this image here.

This is in judo. Ronda Rousey took down three Japanese professional judo martial artists in a game show. Ronda Rousey, a woman, proved more than capable of taking down three men. So the idea that men and women can not be equal in such sports has been proven wrong. 

I can post many stories but I will leave it at that for now. Next round I will show examples of women being successful in unisex leagues  and why feminists should celebrate it.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-05 01:48:19
9 years ago
| Speak Round
HanFeiziStudent: Do you forfeit this debate?
Anthony Tai: No, why do you ask?
Anthony Tai: Oh, I see what you mean. I guess there was an error. I am 99% sure that I typed it in, but I guess I just didn't press "enter" or something. If you want, do you want to have the last round in the comments by posting a link, or simply debating?
HanFeiziStudent: No, we should just finish the debate
HanFeiziStudent: Do you believe men and women are equal? Yes or No.
Anthony Tai: They might have equal rights, but anyone who believes that men and women are completely the same besides anatomy is completely one-sided or tends to overlook things.
Anthony Tai: Men are often stronger, with more testosterone and muscle. They tend to make reckless moves sometimes, and rely on physical strength. (note that I said "often," not "always")
Anthony Tai: Women are often more diplomatic, and are much more willing to come to a conclusion or agreement before relying on physical strength or conflict.
Anthony Tai: So no, men and women are not equal in the fact that they have different capabilities and mindsets.
Anthony Tai: What's your opinion? Do you feel the same way?
HanFeiziStudent: No, I don't feel the same way.
HanFeiziStudent: You say that men and women have different mindsets and capabilities, so do you believe that we should discriminate based on sex? Yes or no.
Anthony Tai: I don't believe that we should discriminate, but it's human nature to bias and be discriminating.
Anthony Tai: Aside from having different anatomies, do you believe that MOST men and women are pretty much the same?
Anthony Tai: State your reasoning: why or why not

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Anthony TaiAnthony Tai (CON)
I'd like to thank my opponent for continuing this debate. I'd also like to thank him for giving me a second chance for this.

I'd like to address the statement that you made in your first paragraph. I'm sorry for not making it clearer; I often get tunnel vision and only think about myself during debates. First of all, I don't think that feminists should be celebrating this, because they are basically celebrating the day that there was a lot of inequality created in sports. You stated that women might be successful in such unisex sports leagues, but they might not always be as successful as men. I'm not trying to be discriminating, but I'm just trying to address the fact that it might not always be fair, because of bias, whether intentional or not. The lawsuit statement that I made is actually not irrelevant, because all that could be created by unisex sports leagues, and that shouldn't exactly be celebrated.

I acknowledge the fact that lots of people are always putting bias towards genders. While women are often not as strong as men (this is not to offend anyone; if I offended you, then I'm sorry), this is not always true in all cases. Just like your Ronda Rousey example, she can be just as strong as men, but not all women are like that. However, you might be thinking: Doesn't a sport only accept the best of the best? You would be right in thinking this. The best women athletes are often as good as men. However, not everyone thinks this. The process in which one becomes a player in the "pro" leagues are not in tryouts. The best team out of sports leagues are appointed a "scout" to see how they do. But what if the scout is biased? It's not necessarily the scout's fault; it's just instinct, as I've stated before. He/she (gender equality, guys :D) could be thinking: "that person just got lucky." Therefore, I doubt that one-gender leagues will be a thing that will be agreed on for everyone.

Thanks for your time and consideration, judges and debater.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-20 12:56:27
9 years ago
| Speak Round
Anthony Tai: I want to repeat my question that I asked in the last Cross-Examination. Also: are you a feminist?
Anthony Tai: Uh, seeing as how you don't (or refuse to) answer this question, I guess this cross-examination belongs to me.
Anthony Tai: I understand if you don't have time, but I hope that you answer this question. Otherwise, I will count it as an argument dropped.

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True Capitalist AcolyteTrue Capitalist Acolyte (PRO)
To answer my opponent's previous question he asked during the cross examination, yes I am a feminist. My time, has cut down dramatically so I didn't have the time to do the cross examination.

Let us remember the resolution of this debate, "that feminism should celebrate unisex sports league." I would argue most of my opponent's arguments support the patriarchy are directly opposed to feminism.

My opponent has claimed that people are biased towards genders. If that is my opponent's stance, then that argument is diametrically opposed to feminism. Feminism is the equality of men and women. My opponent goes on to mention how the leagues may not be fair because of the bias. All feminists by definition would be opposed to such a bias. One can't embrace such a bias while arguing for fairness and equality.

I move forward that the resolution has been affirmed.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-01-30 12:18:12
9 years ago
| Speak Round
Anthony TaiAnthony Tai (CON)
I would like to thank my opponent for continuing this debate.

There is something that I would like to ask, and I asked it to my opponent previously in one of the previous Cross-Examinations. However, he did not address it nor answer it, so I would like to ask them once more: "Aside from having different anatomies, do you believe that MOST men and women are pretty much the same?" I will give you one last chance to answer this question in the last round; if you don't, the round goes to me, due to your refusal to answer my question. It also means that either you don't take my question seriously, or it is a potential weak point that you cannot address.

Second of all, I'd like to note that you might not have understood my statement. You stated that "All feminists by definition would be opposed to such a bias." But it is unlikely that feminists would be able to detect any bias towards men or women. While the "scout" that I mentioned in my previous debate might be a "professional,"  they might not always be a feminist, and therefore they are bound to have some slight bias. After all, these "scouts" are not being paid to put one gender above the other in sports, but they bias anyway. And the bias is not on purpose. The scout might have more bias due to instinct more than anything else. Whether the scout is male or female, there will be slight unbalance. The male tends to think that men are better, and females tend to believe that women are better. 

Thank  you for your time and consideration, judges and debater.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-02-04 11:49:38
9 years ago
| Speak Round
Anthony Tai: Please don't put any new contentions in the last round; it will make it unfair for the both of us. Thanks
HanFeiziStudent: Of course
HanFeiziStudent: Are you against feminism? Yes or No.
Anthony Tai: I'm neutral for it; I just don't believe that women are equal in some areas to men (physical)
Anthony Tai: Why do you change your profile pic like every week/
HanFeiziStudent: Point of clarity, how is a personal profile picture related to this debate?

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True Capitalist AcolyteTrue Capitalist Acolyte (PRO)
I won't be able to finish this debate in a way that I would like and I don't have the time to type a quality closing statement either. I would like to thank my opponent for debating. Next time, we should shorten the reponse time because this debate went on for a month or more. 

Anyways, voters read the debate and come to your own conclusions. Again, I would like to thank my opponent for participating.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-02-14 11:37:28
9 years ago
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Anthony TaiAnthony Tai (CON)
Wait wut you mean you are just going to give up on your last one? You stated that we had too long of a response time, yet you don't have the time to make a proper response? That hardly makes any sense, but I will just have to settle with this. This means that I just wasted my time; that's incredibly obnoxious. Also, why do you change your profile pic like every five days? It's not like too many people actually notice.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-02-15 06:39:19
9 years ago
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