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That blasphemy should be a crime

5 points
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Reynold JupudiReynold Jupudi (PRO)
According to the Marian-Webster Dictionary, blasphemy is “the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God”. Blasphemy is a form of hate speech

Blasphemy is not
  • Politely disagreeing with one’s religious beliefs 
  • Using your right to express your own religious or irreligious beliefs without causing physical or emotional harm to others

However, when you purposely use the name of God and/or Jesus Christ in a profane manner to spark a reaction from a Christian, it is a form of hate speech and verbal harassment. For many atheists and non-Christians, misusing the Lord’s name is a light matter. But for Christians like myself, it is greater than insulting one’s mother or father and can be an emotional trauma when experienced. If an atheist will not put up with verbal harassment, a Christian doesn’t have to either. Just because someone has different beliefs than you, it doesn’t give you the right to insult what they hold to be sacred and divine.

As for if blasphemy should be criminalised, the whole debate of whether hate speech is free speech comes into play. Personally, I don’t believe hate speech should be regarded as free speech and should be criminalised. Therefore, blasphemy which is a form of hate speech should also be criminalised. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2017-12-14 11:28:03
| Speak Round
Reynold JupudiReynold Jupudi (PRO)
Since my opponent has forfeited, I will assume that they have conceded the debate. Unless they post their argument in the next round, I win this debate. 
Return To Top | Posted:
2017-12-17 14:29:46
| Speak Round

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