world, only 15% have been evaluated to determine their pharmacological

"Additionally, turmeric’s antioxidants have been found to reverse the effects of damage caused by pharmaceuticals, particularly in the treatment of schizophrenia. Commonly-prescribed antipsychotics often cause involuntary muscle movements and severe behavioral changes. One study found that when treated with curcumin, the effects of the motor disorder tardive dyskinesia were reversed."
turmeric was worth more then gold in the day's of Jesus
Olive oil can kill cancer cells but not normal cells.This i the complete opposite of chemotherapy.Which kills both good cells and cancer cells.
Benefits of myrrh oil.
Inhibits Microbial Growth
Astringent Properties
Relieves Cough
Fights Fungal Infections
Stimulates the Nervous System
Shiitake Powder, Organic Cordyceps Powder, Organic Turkey Tail Powder,
Organic Maitake Powder, Organic Chaga Powder, Organic Lion's Mane Powder"

"In Chinese medical theory, Lion’s Mane mushroom was used to alleviate
“Qi” or “vital energy” deficiency as it was believed that it would
restore balance to the body and alleviate symptoms of insomnia,
depression and low immunity. The very fact that Lion’s Mane is often
referred to as “yamabushitake” in some medicinal accounts may be a
reference to the ornamental garment “suzukake” that is worn by the
“Yamabushi”, a sect of ascetic mountain hermits from Japan"
i only buy triple A lab tested herbs from health ranger and or lost empire herbs.There is lead and mercury in many herbs.From evil chemtrails.Screw mountainroseherbs for giving me Slight mad hatters disease.
Screw the big pharma and there pharmakeia magic
- the use or the administering of drugs
- poisoning
- sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
- metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
1.pharmaceuticals are the 4th leading cause of death . this is because pharmaceuticals it is meant to harm you
over 100 thousand people die each year because they take prescription medication. this is because prescription medications are meant to harm you.
big pharma gives millions of dollars to politicians because they know that there drugs are dangerous and they have to bribe people to make there drugs legal. There drugs are dangerous because there are meant to harm you.
.big pharma corruption started the opioid epidemic. The opioid epidemic destroyed the lives of soccer moms who says no to illegal drugs but believe legal drugs are safer. This happened because drugs are meant to harm you.
.We kill millions of babies inside abortion clinics. They do not even call them babies but fetus. this is the work of pharmakeai sorcerers.
.We play the I'm not crazy game with our children we play this game because pharmaceuticals are meant to harm you. While they claim to be helping us they treat them like experiment animals.
And prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. This is because prescription drugs are meant to harm you
Prescription medication is the number 1 reason for overdose beating out illegal drugs. This is because it is meant to hurt you
We put aborted babies in our vaccines. we do this because vaccines are meant to harm you.
but we are flooded by fake news like this one done by ABC. were they say the aborted babies are not harmful and even the future catholic pope approves of it. disgusting abc even claims it does not interfere with the disgusting catholic bible.
And can we safely ignore those people who claim to perform magical rituals in abortion clinics
.The world health association symbol is a snake on a stick
this is because it is meant to harm you and it is snake oil.It is actually the snake gods staff Acilipuis
One of the evidence for the fema cam conspiracy theory is one of the medical code in Obama care sanctions death by guillotines. This is because it is meant to harm you.
Prescription medication usually has a long list of side effects for example Prozac causes yellow eyes and skin and thought of suicide and 120 plus other things. These side effect that have nothing to do with what the drug is treating. and have no way of coming naturally unless they were designed to do such
Some mass shooting were caused because the shooter was taking prescription drugs and suffered from the side effect suicide thought or actions.
over 1500 hundred cases
They put prescription drugs in our tap water. These pharmaceuticals have absurd side effects. They put prescription drugs in our water to hurt us. The reason you need a prescription to get these drugs is because the drugs are dangerous. so why is it in our tap water. available to everyone. Unless it is meant to harm.
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- "American patients also suffer from about 80 million mild side effects a year,"
- "Every year, more than 2 million Americans suffer from serious adverse drug reactions. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these reactions cause about 100,000 deaths per year, making prescription drugs the fourth-leading cause of death in the country."
- Sweetflag can cure stuttering and stammering by repairing the brain.it is also good for amnesia
- Turmeric can repair motor skills and reverse brain damage done by schizophrenic medication.
"the plant of immortality” by the Ancient Egyptians, and treasured by numerous subsequent cultures, aloe vera it still known today for its many health benefits. For millennia it has been used to treat more than 50 medical conditions, from obesity to burns, dermatitis, ulcers, asthma, diabetes, acne, and even leprosy."
Improves Digestion
Boosts Immunity
Inhibits Cancerous Growth
Heals Side Effects of Radiotherapy
Skin Care
Hair Care
Reduces Arthritis Pain
- Heals Wounds
- Relieves Menstrual Discomfort
- Reduces Blood Sugar Level
- Prevents Oxidative Stress
- Soothes Acid Reflux
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Improves Cardiovascular Function
- Fight Gum Diseases
- Preserves Food
- Boosts Blood Oxygenation
- Thunder god vine is more effective in treating arthritus then the prescription drug called
- Curcumin and saffron flowers are just as effective as prozac.But the herbs do not have 100 plus side effects
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"Bleeding disorder: There is concern that celery might increase
the risk of bleeding when used in medicinal amounts. Don't use celery if
you have a bleeding disorder."
"Kidney problems: Don't use celery in medicinal amounts if you have kidney problems. Celery might cause inflammation."
"Side effects to banana are rare but may include bloating, gas, cramping, softer stools, nausea, and vomiting. "
"When taken by mouth: Plum is LIKELY SAFE when taken in amounts normally found in foods. It is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken in amounts used as medicine for up to 12 months. Plum might cause stomach issues like gas and diarrhea. If dried plums or pits are swallowed whole, they might block the movement of food through the stomach and intestines. Some people are allergic to plums."
- "American patients also suffer from about 80 million mild side effects a year,"
- "Every year, more than 2 million Americans suffer from serious adverse drug reactions. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these reactions cause about 100,000 deaths per year, making prescription drugs the fourth-leading cause of death in the country."
Hives, itching, or skin rash
inability to sit still
Less common
Chills or fever
joint or muscle pain
cold sweats
convulsions (seizures)
cool pale skin
difficulty with concentration
dryness of the mouth
lack of energy
mood or behavior changes
overactive reflexes
purple or red spots on the skin
racing heartbeat
shakiness or unsteady walk
shivering or shaking
talking, feeling, and acting with excitement and activity you cannot control
trouble with breathing
unusual or incomplete body or facial movements
unusual tiredness or weakness
Incidence not known
Abdominal or stomach pain
back or leg pains
bleeding gums
blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
blood in the urine or stools
bloody, black or tarry stools
blue-yellow color blindness
blurred vision
chest pain or discomfort
clay-colored stools
continuing vomiting
cough or dry cough
dark urine
decreased urine output
decreased vision
difficulty with breathing
difficulty with swallowing
dizziness or lightheadedness
eye pain
fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse
general body swelling
high fever
hives, itching, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
painful, red lumps under the skin, mostly on the legs
pains in the stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
pinpoint red spots on the skin
rapid weight gain
red or irritated eyes
red skin lesions, often with a purple center
redness, tenderness, itching, burning, or peeling of the skin
severe muscle stiffness
severe sleepiness
unpleasant breath odor
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual drowsiness, dullness, tiredness, weakness, or feeling of sluggishness
unusually pale skin
use of extreme physical or emotional force
vomiting of blood
yellow eyes or skin
the same cell receptors are involved in both cases. However, it is a
better choice when the concern is the side effects of the product. In comparison with opiates, there are no such devastating side effects from the use of the herb."
After reading a couple hundred study on plants.
turmeric can reverse damage done by schizophrenic medication.
monk fruit can stop insulin resistant
sweet-flag can cure stuttering and amnesia
basil can dissolve kidney stone.After reading thousands of articles like this. I am thoroughly convinced God put medicine in plants for all disease that exist you can not shake my believe in that.
Miracle Tree & Plants That Cures 300 Diseases And Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells IN 16 Hours!
"There is one plant that many scientists have claimed to be a cure with such a high potential that it eliminates 98% of cancer cells within 16 hours.
Namely, according to a research published in “Life Science”, Artemisinin – an ingredient found in Sweet Wormwood,"
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It's beginning to get silly talking about the same things over and over again. My opponent decided to talk about exactly one kind of alternative medicine for the entire debate and continues to be wrong about it, and has even admitted such. Let's take quick stock.
Standard medical care is tested, proven, and functional. Herbal remedies and other forms of alternative care are not, by definition. There is no conceivable way in which the resolution can be said to accurately portray reality and should be voted down.
1) https://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2006/pr02/en/
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I was mostly responding to the plagiarism claim.Was only going to respond to the plagiarism claim because of the reason you gave.Then i saw the comment he made down there and i responded to that twoPosted 2020-02-07 20:29:21
guitarkirby okPosted 2020-02-07 20:23:08
@crossed, the debate is over. If you want to argue the point again, you are welcome to submit a new resolution. If you want to respond to a judgement then do it in the judging tab. Kinda uncool to come into the comments and yell at everyone. Posted 2020-02-07 14:43:30
dpowell I eat turmeric bought from the health ranger daily no side effects.I eat banana no side effects. I eat apple no side effects.Posted 2020-02-07 14:41:05
" there are no plants that can cure anything"
tell that to the people cured of malaria by sweet worm wood.While big pharma try's to banned the plant
Time stamps
Posted 2020-02-07 14:32:31
dpowell3543Do you know what a quotation mark means. I did not do plagiarismPosted 2020-02-07 14:16:19
@GuitarKirby Maybe not, but it sure helps. Forfeiting is never good, even if the arguments are repetitive.Posted 2020-02-06 16:54:13
@dpowell3543 Well, I made my final arguments. I'm not entirely sure it matters - it's basically the same refutations made throughout.Posted 2020-02-06 07:45:01
Well you're close on that remark Trainhammer. They weren't using Kingsfoil to ease the pain though, they were using it to try to slow the poison down. At least long enough to get him to Rivendell. Anyway. Crossed. Again with the turmeric. Given the sources you've used, that's just theory. Not proven. So far, any attempt to use turmeric to help anything will cause more harm than good as your opponent pointed out. Please note, there are no plants that can cure anything. They can help treat some select symptoms of ailments, but only medication can truly cure the ailment. In all seriousness though. You use the same arguments in every debate and you, in turn, lose those debates. Don't you think that means there's something wrong with your arguments? Though, you'll probably end up winning this one if GuitarKirby doesn't hurry up and post his final arguments.Posted 2020-02-06 05:39:28
Admin Thank you.Posted 2020-02-02 01:55:52
Removed a glitched comment
The thing glitched and posted twice.idk what happenedPosted 2020-01-30 22:03:54
if there is no medicine in plants then how can they they interact with medicine.
A drug interaction is when a drug medicine interacts with with the medicine in a herb.
How can a herb interact with prescription medication if there is no medicine in it.
After reading a couple hundred study on plants.
turmeric can reverse damage done by schizophrenic medication.
monk fruit can stop insulin resistant
sweet-flag can cure stuttering and amnesia
basil can dissolve kidney stone.After reading thousands of articles like this. I am thoroughly convinced god put medicine in plants for all disease that exist you can not shake my believe in that.
what gave it away.Half of my debates are called prescription medication is poison.Was it me talking about how they create disease on plum island.What it me saying the goverment poison our food.1 in 59 children are born with autism.the average babies is born with over 200 man made chemicals.Let say the goverment wants to band guns.So they can kill us.They will hire some crisis actors Shoot some schools up and say think of the children.Lets say the goverment want to banned cars.so they can coral you in the city.They will say.self driving cars have a 0 percent chance of any accidents.While if humans drive cars there is 3 million car crashes each year. You are a dangerous person to drive a car.It should be illegal.So they use this reasoning to banned cars.so they can coral you into the city. lets say the goverment want to poison the food supply.They will say something like there are bugs we must put poison on the food to kill the bugs.We must make food last longer we need to add preservatives.Then they will say it was an accident that 8 million IQ points have been lost due to pesticides on food.Let's say the goverment want to poison our water.They will say.People have dirty teeth lets put fluoride in the water to dumb them down.But say we are doing it for dental hygiene. Let say they want to poison everyone with vaccines.They will say you harm other people if your not vaccinated.You re a danger to other's and can give them virus.It is not your choice to be vaccinated.You can not risk other peoples death over your own freedom.You only strengthen that what we say is true when your favorite tv show host.Like jimmy kimmel mocks conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxers.Throw a liberal tantrum i don't care.
There is no side effects to my green tea nor my chamomile or my monk fruit or my ginseng or my staint johns warts or my turmeric.There may be some heavy metals.But that is no side effects. It is like how people are treating malaria with a plant in many country's and big pharma spends millions to make the plant legal.So they can not treat themselfs.Then sells there poison as medicine to everyone. there is no side effects to my monk fruit.Just like there are no side effects to an apple.The only different is people do not know what a monk fruit is and big pharma can make it sound super scary and say It can cause liver damage and or something else.It is all bullshit of course.There are no side effects to Jasmin tea there is no side effects to chamomile or saffron tea.I is all BS.There are no side effects to an orange.It s propaganda designed to scare you.I do not know what lord of the rings.But it they lived back then standard care would be more herbs. Stop being a goat and or a sheep and become a lone wolf like myselfPosted 2020-01-30 22:02:30
Crossed is an anti-vaxer confirmed. Liberal or conservative has no relevance to medicine in this case either. Both have potential side effects, however Standard Practice is more effective for treating ailments and injuries permanently. I am a Boy Scout and am Wilderness Survival trained. We don't use herbal tea to help stem bleeding from a puncture wound.
A good comparison is surprisingly Lord of the Rings. When Frodo is stabbed with a poison dagger, they use a medical plant called kingsfoil to relieve the pain. But this is a pain reliever to help keep Frodo alive until he reaches Rivendell and the proper healing needed I.E Standard care. Frodo still nearly dies on the banks of the Ford on the edge of Rivendell.
Sure, plants can be good to help, as we are on a thing called Earth, but it doesn't trump actual medicine.Posted 2020-01-30 02:45:50
Because it's not. I've already proven this. Nothing you say is true or backed by scientific studies. There's no valid evidence to support your claim. That's why you lost our debate in the first place.
Posted 2020-01-26 16:02:50
Dpowell3543.Your not a brainwashed liberal.Why do you not see the obvious poisoning of medicine.I thought it was more obvious then that they poison our food.I out of 59 children are born with autism because they poison food with chemicals and pesticides.They lie and say it is to keep our food to last longer or to keep bugs off.The average baby is born with more than 200 man made chemicals.Posted 2020-01-23 00:27:32
Yes.I did not create this debate thoughPosted 2020-01-22 23:21:00
Are you gonna talk about plants again?Posted 2020-01-21 16:34:32