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Slander should not be against the law

0 points
15 points
adminadmin (CON)
Anti-slander laws are awesome because the role of the state is to protect society from the malicious actions of others. When individuals are maliciously lied about in a way that causes significant, demonstrable and tangible harms to an individual, the damage this can cause goes far beyond the initial impact, and can dog a person for life. We're talking serious crime like false rape accusations or distributing claims that somebody is a pedophile. Such people can lose real business, social position and employability. They become targets despite having done nothing wrong. That's bad for the individual, but it's bad for society, limiting that person's progress having flow-on effects for the wider economy. As such, the state is legitimized in covering slander under the law.

Make a case, pro.
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2015-05-03 15:13:24
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