Fetuses should have rights because they will be sentient in the future (like someone in a coma). Also, fetuses have property rights or the woman could claim the fetus' body and kill them when they are born (infanticide), so they must moral rights. Also, parents have a responsibility to care for their children, since they are responsible for them needing food, shelter, etc. to stay alive. Abortion is the act of a woman terminating this support to the fetus. Therefore, abortion is wrong.
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2018-12-21 10:02:32
6 years ago
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You draw a comparison between fetuses and a person in a coma as your first point, these two things aren't comparable. The person in the coma existed and was alive before. Fetuses don't have property rights, that doesn't even make any sense; killing a child is wrong because murder is wrong, not because as a fetus it inherited property rights. Just because you see something as wrong doesn't mean it should be illegal, Vegans think eating meat is wrong but they don't think meat should be illegal.
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2018-12-22 12:54:40
6 years ago
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Dead people were alive before but it's not "murder" to stab them. Killing a child is murder because they own their body. If you owned it, it would not be murder. Could you poison a fetus so they die after they are born? Or chop off their limbs? Of course not. Therefore, fetuses must have property rights so that you don't get a chance to "claim" their body before they are born. Many vegans do think meat should be illegal (https://www.debate.org/opinions/should-eating-meat-be-illegal).
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2018-12-23 06:11:30
6 years ago
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The dead person comparison doesn’t work either, they’re dead — the born baby is alive. You should realize that these comparisons are empirically wrong. No you can’t poison a fetus so it dies after it’s born. The baby inherits it’s rights when it is born. People get the right the right to drink when they’re 21, that doesn’t mean they can just start drinking before that. No one talks about claiming they’re baby’s body, that’s ridiculous. The vegan data is arbitrary. Vote CON!
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2018-12-23 13:20:38
6 years ago
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The dead person comparison proves that people in a coma have rights because of future sentience - not past sentience. You say that it's wrong to shorten the lifespan of a child before it's born. Wouldn't abortion be worse, since it's shortening their lifespan to zero? It's morally okay to create a child you know will die (people do it all the time), but not kill a child. If the fetus isn't a child yet, then poisoning them would just be part of creating a child you know will die.
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2018-12-24 07:09:34
6 years ago
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A person in a coma still isn't the same as a fetus living inside its mother yet to be born, and the dead comparison didn't prove that. The guaranteed life(mother) is more important than the dependent body of cells living inside of it(fetus) until it is born and becomes independent(relatively speaking). This is why abortion is and should be legal. The poison example is so hyperbolic it's not even worth responding to. Abortion is very pragmatic. You still can't kill the baby after it's born.
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2018-12-24 07:56:07
6 years ago
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The ends don't justify the means. So long as the fetus has rights, you can't kill it to save a more "important" life (according to you). You brought up bodily autonomy, but the woman doesn't get to appeal to bodily autonomy because parents have a responsibility to take care of their kids. Infants depend on their parents, but you can't kill them. Before recent times, infants were often left to die. If parents don't have a responsibility to take care of their kids, wouldn't this be justifiable?
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2018-12-25 05:02:55
6 years ago
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You can't compare the relationship between a mother and her infant and apply it with the fetus. The fetus' rights don't supersede its mother's, logically it makes more sense to protect the guaranteed life over the potential. If you're in a burning building and there are a young girl and a tray with an embryo on it which would you save? Also, the way a mother takes care of her infant child is very different from the way she "takes care" of a fetus, you're just trying to spin the argument here.
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2018-12-25 08:27:22
6 years ago
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Poisoning a fetus is also only attacking a "potential" person, as is killing someone in a coma. Yet it's wrong to harvest their organs for a "guaranteed" person. I would save the young girl because she can feel pain, but it's still not okay to kill people who can't feel pain. Con still hasn't demonstrated a moral difference between a mother's duty to a fetus and infant. If a moral duty exists, she should still carry it out even if she doesn't like how. Vote PRO!
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2018-12-25 11:31:48
6 years ago
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My point was that a mother has no "moral duty" to a fetus, it biologically survives off of its mother - it doesn't need physical care like an infant, that's the difference. A person in a coma isn't a potential person, I know you keep wanting to use this Ben Shapiro example but it's not applicable. Yes, mother's should carry out their moral duty and they do under most circumstances; abortion is legal for extreme circumstances like when the mother's life is at stake, you seem to not realize this.
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2018-12-25 11:49:43
6 years ago
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Testing testing 123Posted 2019-01-07 08:17:136 years ago