Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 3 rounds
- 100 characters per round
- Reply speeches
- No cross-examination
- Community Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds means forfeiting the debate
- No images
- No HTML formatting
- Unrated debate
- Time to post: 3 days
- Time to vote: 5 days
- Time to prepare: 1 day
This debate is run upon the weekly debate topic that I noticed was an excellent topic. This debate is extremely simple for the con, so I mat collect information in regards to the topic. This shall be a philosophical and fact-based debate. Definitions are not needed, this should be the structure:
1. Contentions - Come up with several ideas to present for your side and use commentary and some evidence if you would like.
2. Rebuttals - Refute all my arguments and defend your own. Make sure to refute clearly towards my contentions.
3. Rebuttals 2 - Refute again.
REPLY SPEECHES - Crystallize and explain the importance and impacts of all your arguments.
I would appreciate no forfeits, therefore there is autoforfeiting. there is enough time to form arguments that are very short that have no need for actual evidence or definitions. I shall only allow one time extension that is no greater than 3 days. Thanks!
Would a 100-word option in the debate setup be something you'd like to have?Posted 2017-04-10 18:54:01
I greatly apologize for I have noticed that my argument limit stand at 100 characters, not words, therefore, I do permit the use of third-party applications if your arguments are more than that limit.
Posted 2017-04-10 13:36:22
Good luck