I thank my opponent for this challenge. I'm going to open this debate by providing my standard defense for the existence of God, and we'll take things from there.
1) The Descartes argument. It is impossible for a being to be all-perfect, all-knowing etc and not exist. Therefore such a being must exist. The existence of God can thus be logically deduced.
2) The Lewis Argument. If there was no God to create the universe, then the universe must have been an accident. If the universe is an accident, so is our thinking. If our thinking is an accident, we have no reason to believe it. This is absurd because we have already established the universe exists but cannot establish our existence as a subset of said universe. The only other two options left are nihilism and God. The existence of God can thus be evidently deduced.
3) The Pascal Argument. Either God exists or it does not. If we believe it exists, rewards are huge or naught. If we don't believe it exists, rewards are negative or naught. Therefore it is a safer bet to believe it exists. The existence of God is thus a worthwhile belief (this argument does not set out to show that God exists, but it's an important point because even if God did exist, that doesn't mean we should acceptGod, for example if God had become irrelevant).
4) The Kant Argument. Any attempt to refute God that holds any weight relies on logic. Therefore the argument presupposes the existence of logic. Logical truths cannot be proven without reference to God. Therefore any argument against God presupposes the existence of God. The existence of God is thus a precondition for this whole discussion.
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I apologize, as I was unaware of this form on Edeb8. I request Pro to discredit the structure, and Pro can have all 4 rounds to address their arguments. I simply wanted you to go first, so this was a flaw in the structure. Therefore, @admin may discredit the structure I have imposed. I thank @admin for accepting this challenge.
The Big Bang Theory (BBT) is the prevailing cosmological model for the universe from its earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. [1] There are multiple observational proofs that support the BBT scientifically. Notable amongst them is the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB), thermal radiation left over from the Big Bang of cosmology. [2] This thermal radiation is seen as a faint background glow using a sensitive radio telescope in the space between celestial bodies. The glow is strongest in the microwave region of the radio spectrum.In the absence of Big Bang, there would be no reason to expect a uniform, long-wavelength background radiation in the universe. [3]
This is a satellite picture of CMB radiation as negative space in the universe. The CMB glow and the rest of the universe seem to be approximately homogenous and isotropic; this is a prediction of the Big Bang.
In 2014, a measure of the B-mode polarization CMB signal at 150 GHz was published in the POLARBEAR experiment. The B-mode polarization is proof of primordial gravitational waves, as predicted by Einstein in 1915. [4] These primordial gravitational waves contain thermal energy similar to the primordial energy of the baryon-plasma sea that was the universe approximately 13.5 billion years ago. [5]
“The CMB is a snapshot of the oldest light in our Universe, imprinted on the sky when the Universe was just 380,000 years old. It shows tiny temperature fluctuations that correspond to regions of slightly different densities, representing the seeds of all future structure: the stars and galaxies of today.” [6]
This graph shows the temperature fluctuations of the CMB detected over different angular scales on the sky, offering further proof of the temperature detection of the CMB. That the CMB is of cosmological origins acts as a scientific consensus. [7]
Another indicator for the Big Bang is the organization of the known universe with galactic evolution.
“Galaxies are also dynamic entities, changing over time. Like with large scale structure, the broad strokes of galaxy formation follow a path of ‘hierarchical clustering’: small structures form very early on and these merge to form larger structures as time goes on. Within this larger framework, some galaxies will develop secondary features like spiral arms or bar-like structures, some of which will be transitory and some of which will persist.” [8]
The developing of secondary features is called galactic evolution. No cosmological theory except the BBT can explain galactic evolution. [9]
Stronger evidence for the Big Bang is the abundance of light elements, such as helium, in the universe.
“Like in the core of our Sun, the free protons and neutrons in the early universe underwent nuclear fusion, producing mainly helium nuclei (He-3 and He-4), with a dash of deuterium (a form of hydrogen with a proton-neutron nucleus), lithium and beryllium. Unlike those in the Sun, the reactions only lasted for a brief time thanks to the fact that the universe's temperature and density were dropping rapidly as it expanded. This means that heavier nuclei did not have a chance to form during this time. Instead, those nuclei formed later in stars. Elements with atomic numbers up to iron are formed by fusion in stellar cores, while heavier elements are produced during supernovas.” [8] He-3 and He-4 are abundant in the universe, and this is the best physical explanation. [10] Therefore, the Big Bang cosmological model is probably true.
The Big Bang cosmological model does not require a finite cause of the universe. [11] This is achieved via. a gravitational singularity and quantum fluctuations.
C2) Law of Parsimony
The Law of Parsimony, a form of Occam's Razor, posits that between two explanations, the one with least assumptions is the best.
As a naturalistic origin of the universe is a priori most likely, God most likely does not exist.
[10]Astrophys. J. Suppl. 97:49-58, 1995. (http://goo.gl/he3vWs)
[11] http://infidels.org/library/modern/quentin_smith/uncaused.html
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I thank con for his opening round.
- The law of Hickam's dictum - the law of parsimony basically does not apply in medicine. Simple medical explanations are almost universally believed by qualified doctors not to be a holistic explanation of a patient's condition.
- General relativity over Newton's Laws.
- Veridical paradoxes, such as the Friendship Paradox, which are very counter-intuitive but are empirically proven accurate.
- Everytime somebody was framed or there was a coverup in history. Every wrongful conviction ever.
- Most of modern mathematics, which although accurate, is absurdly complicated.
- David Blaine does not really have magical powers (apparently).
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First, Pro's primary blunder is merely in refuting my arguments while his do not prove the existence of God. I shall show how.
P1. An external cause will have an omniscient view of its nature via. its own properties.
P2. Ergo, the external cause observes all quantum superpositions.
P3. Observation collapses quantum superpositions.
P4. An all-observing (transcendental) cause would collapse all quantum superpositions.
P5. We observe that not all quantum superpositions are collapsed.
C. Therefore, an external cause cannot exist. [1]
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If I had merely refuted his arguments and failed to make a substantive case, there would be nothing in my round 1. I have made a case, con has the burden of rejoinder, and it's perfectly fine for me at this point to refute his objections. This debate comes down to whether or not con can answer all four of my reasons for God, and having done that, build up his own case.
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Round Forfeited
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NP then
Just discredit the structure
Oh wait, didn't see this comment haha
Yeah, pro goes first. You can start "drafting" while it's my turn but you can't actually submit until I've posted my argument. If that makes any sense at all.Posted 2015-04-13 17:59:28
Pro goes first, right?Posted 2015-04-13 05:13:55
OK, thanks. Posted 2015-04-10 15:57:41
I'll accept, just let me finish my biblical inerrancy debate first.