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Pro or Against Tree Removal When the Tree is not Sick?

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CaitlynBrookerCaitlynBrooker (PRO)
I think that people can do whatever they want with their trees, no matter if they are sick or not. If someone  wants to cut their tree, they can do it whenever they want. 
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-04-15 02:04:11
| Speak Round
AnthonyParker86AnthonyParker86 (CON)
Well, I don't share the same opinion. I had a tree removal appointment recently, and after a few words with the contractors I was really concerned. My tree, of course was too sick to save, but it turns out many people remove trees practically for nothing. Having mind the recent climate changes I think that we should keep as many trees alive as possible.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-04-15 02:11:39
| Speak Round

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