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Islam should be banned as a criminal organization.

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1 point
GekkGekk (CON)
All Sunni/Shia schools of thought agree that forced marriages are strictly forbidden in Islam and that Islamic marriages are contracts between two consenting parties(https://web.archive.org/web/20070329014505/http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/humanrelations/womeninislam/marriage.html#consent).

Saying Islam should be banned as a criminal organization could also be said about Christianity based on your standard.

It is estimated that Christianity is responsible for 9-28 million deaths as a religion not by people who say they are christian(https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Death_toll_of_Christianity).

What is your argument for a religion being banned as a criminal organization? Can people in a criminal organization claim to follow a religion but not represent that religion? That seems far more likely...

Just because you find one person who says they follow a religion and is an extremist does not mean that entire religion is a criminal cartel or every member of that religion is a criminal cartel.

Return To Top | Posted:
2021-01-08 04:37:13
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.A child does not have the judgement to consent to marriage or sex with an adult. 2.Christianity is a separate debate. Set it up, and I'll embarrass you then too. 3.Islam aids, abets, and incites child rape. Those are all crimes.
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-01-08 05:03:36
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GekkGekk (CON)
You are generalizing a religion, in Christianity it is the same. Are you saying all religions that have any history doing this should be banned?
Should we all be atheist?
Because people have done those things does not mean it represents the entire religion, your argument is going in circles.
The evidence I provided showed the opposite therefore we are at odds, however I have presented evidence and you have not.
Right now the only thing you are destroying is your own self-confidence, clearly you were not prepared for this or any of the debates you have posted.

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2021-01-08 05:07:15
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Islam is the ONLY religion that teaches sexual crime. The Muslims who are law-abiding are irrelevant. 2.I did not say every Muslim is a criminal. Con cannot read. 3.The Islamic writings al-Bukhaari 3894 and Muslim 1422 record that the founder of Islam, Muhammad, had sex with a nine-year-old girl named Aisha. Today, in Muslim countries, child sex is legal because of Muhammad's example.
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2021-01-08 08:10:11
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GekkGekk (CON)
Do you have specific statutes or laws showing that child crime is legal?
The documentation I linked to shows that is not the case.
Your original assertion is that Islam should be banned as a criminal organization, you have not proven that it is a criminal organization.
You have also asserted that Islam is the only religion that teaches sexual crime and give no evidence of it teaching specifically sexual crime nad are making an assumption when there are thousands of other religions.

Return To Top | Posted:
2021-01-08 08:46:29
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