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Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 5 rounds
- 8000 characters per round
- No reply speeches
- No cross-examination
- Community Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds means forfeiting the debate
- Images allowed
- HTML formatting allowed
- Rated debate
- Time to post: 1 hour
- Time to vote: 2 weeks
- Time to prepare: None
Contradiction to me is the benefit of perspective (attained by intelligence). The more intelligent a life form becomes, the greater their capacity to experience contradiction. And then which leads to the question if contradiction is an end in itself, or a means to the end.
Do you see it that way? Or do you think contradiction is the reverse: not a product of intelligence, but the cause of it?
Posted 2015-12-18 13:45:27
Contradiction is not always a physical force
Perhaps I could give more argument if you defined it. Can you challenge me to the debate again?Posted 2015-12-18 13:12:57
If anyone needs any help with the settings, you are welcome to contact me
I don't know how the debates work whatsoever - I literally just joined yesterday. In any case, what's your opinion of the debate topic? Posted 2015-12-18 12:00:53
Wouldn't that mean that you would have to switch the settings, and the default settings are 3 days?Posted 2015-12-18 11:43:20
I'm new to the site, which is why the settings for the debate are apparently at fault.Posted 2015-12-17 23:50:13
How come you only have one hour to post, but with 5 rounds? You would have to literally be on for like 5 hours, which makes no sensePosted 2015-12-17 14:24:18