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Is abortion unethical?

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unbiasedthoughtunbiasedthought (PRO)
I really look forward to productive conversation. Thank you for accepting. I would like to start out my side of the debate by proposing two questions to the opposition side of the argument:

If we had proof a gene producing homosexual behavior existed, and we could tell early on in the pregnancy that the child would be gay, would you be for her right to choose to kill a child based on them being gay?

Is there a point in the duration of a pregnancy where you stop your support for her right...
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-01-04 15:04:05
| Speak Round
RishiD123RishiD123 (CON)
To answer your first question regarding whether or not I would allow women to abort their fetuses based on the fact that it was gay then I would be in objection to that because I believe that homophobia is not a reason as to why you want to abort your fetus. You should have an appropriate reason as to why you want to abort your fetus to be granted an abortion.
In regards to your second question, I would allow for women to be able to access late term abortions because most women who seek...
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-01-07 08:21:25
| Speak Round

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