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Disco is entitled to legitimate musical cred

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nzlockienzlockie (PRO)
Let's boogie!

1. Disco provides technically complicated Bass lines and signals a major departure from the instrument being used as purely wallpaper.

These contrasting styles can best be seen from this video by Pink Floyd Bassist, Guy Pratt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_3Jc54k1Es
(from 1:20 to 2:30)

Because of the driving nature and heavy use of high runs, these basslines have the effect of making people dance. The dancing floods the body with endorphins making you happy.
In fact this article from Healthy Living actually says: "While nearly any kind of physical activity has the potential to release endorphins, dancing is particularly effective." [1]

Disco bass literally makes you happy.

Get on up!

[1] http://healthyliving.azcentral.com/dancing-release-endorphins-5764.html
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2014-10-20 08:01:42
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