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Death penalty should be abolished globally

2 points
12 points
Deeti GuptaDeeti Gupta (PRO)
Death penalty should be abolished globally as it is kinda letting the criminal of easy. The criminal has committed a certain crime which they do not get time to think about before he gets killed so they probably might not realise their mistake.
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2017-03-27 00:48:22
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Bhumika bathlaBhumika bathla (CON)
I strongly disagree with the idea of abolishing death penalty globally and specially in countries like INDIA where victims are rarely given justice and the culprits never fear of any law. Death penalty is one of the biggest forms of justice and abolishing it is a big loss for law. Infact , this penalty should be made more strict and immediate .
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2017-03-27 01:26:34
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Deeti GuptaDeeti Gupta (PRO)
We have no right to take the life of another human being. The criminal being given a death penalty will mainly be convicted for murder or such so if we take the life of the criminal, how does it make us any different from the criminal themself? The only difference will be that it will be done in the name of justice, instead of crime. The question is does justice include imprisoning a person or taking their life?
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2017-03-27 01:30:30
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Bhumika bathlaBhumika bathla (CON)
In this democratic era, nobody has the right to kill someone or even harass someone for their greed! So it is totally pointless thinking before taking the life of a criminal! Someone has truly said that karma is a bitch, what goes around comes back! Same in this matter! And most importantly it should be kept in mind that there are still some countries which have weakest laws and strongest crimes! For thier betterment and to let people live without fear death penalty is the ultimate punishment!
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2017-03-27 01:44:20
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Deeti GuptaDeeti Gupta (PRO)
Instead of death penalty, the person should be imprisoned for life because then they would remember their crime everyday and possibly improve. Death penalty would not give them a chance to improve.
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2017-03-27 01:49:55
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Bhumika bathlaBhumika bathla (CON)
If a person can commit crime as big as it's punishment is death then imprisonment doesnt stand anywhere in front of that criminal! Moreover, there is no big deal that during imprisonment criminals get bail due to their political or any other kind of support! And death
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2017-03-27 02:01:32
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Deeti GuptaDeeti Gupta (PRO)
That's where the laws should be made stricter. Political help should be prevented. If you give the same punishment as the crime, then that would be a crime as well. Murder is a crime. Technically, death penalty is murder as well. Just to fulfill the proverb you mentioned above, you'll commit a crime which people will acknowledge as justice? The defence and guard in jail should be made stricter and the person should be allowed to live a long life and suffer and regret in jail.
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2017-03-27 02:30:45
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Bhumika bathlaBhumika bathla (CON)
First of all my dear friend,Death penalty is not only the punishment for a murder! There are huge crimes than that! Death penalty isnt a crime its a justice for those families and innoncent sufferers and if criminals will be improsoned they will have to be served food and health facilities and all other needs which they surely dont deserve!
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2017-03-27 02:53:52
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Deeti GuptaDeeti Gupta (PRO)
They may not deserve food and health facilities,but they deserve suffering in jail.They don't deserve a simple death.They deserve to suffer in jail for as long as they live(and every rule has its exceptions.Terrorists can be given death penalty IF they have committed a LOT of murders)Other criminals should be allowed to suffer in jail everyday.They're gonna die even without death penalty.Why would you wanna murder them if you can let them suffer and THEN die without having a hand in their death?
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2017-03-27 03:12:42
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Bhumika bathlaBhumika bathla (CON)
I don't understand why you are considering only murders! And moreover its very disastrous to control the state of mind of a criminal. Little did anybody know that criminals can harm other prisoners or any other guard ! Why take a risk for somebody's life for such great criminals? They should be hanged to death!
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2017-03-27 03:25:21
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