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Bugsy460Bugsy460 (PRO)
Thank you Dillion Crawford, best of luck to you.

Resolutional Analysis

1. Since there isn't a full resolution, I wanted to clearly state what my goal in the debate is. I will be affirming the resolution "Brexit was good for the United Kingdom." This resolution is best because it has the most debatability for both sides while creating a very clear line of what I need to prove as Pro.

My Case

1. Brexit allowed for more sovereignty in British law. The European Union has a free movement between member nations.1 Any citizen of an EU nation can stay for less than three months for any reason. If they can prove they won't be a drain on the social assistance, they can stay indefinitely. These laws are in direct conflict with what the UK wants, and we can see that in the actions they took directly following Brexit. Britain is tightening their immigration laws by implementing a point system for immigrants.2 By leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom is now able to exercise their own sovereignty of law. While we could debate about the actual results of their legislative sovereignty, the sovereignty itself is good. See, if a nation is able to freely exercise its laws however it wants, it allows a smaller group of people (the population of the UK versus the EU) to be able to dictate their own actions without interference from other nations.

2. Brexit will economically benefit the United Kingdom. We have to look at how immigration has hurt the UK economy. The easiest statistic that proves how immigration has negatively affected the British economy is employment statistics of the UK citizens versus EU migrants. 81% of EU migrants are employed compared to 75% of UK born.3 Very simply, EU migrants are taking jobs causing a shortage for British citizens. High unemployment causes a worse economic outlook for a nation because it causes less money being put into the economy because the unemployed don't have wages to spend. This causes businesses to cutback and it continues to spiral down. If there is less EU migrants, then there are more jobs for British citizens. And, unfortunately, first and second generation immigrants are more likely to have college education than British citizens.4 This means that UK citizens can't compete with immigrants that are freely allowed in. Brexit fixed all this by allowing the UK to block immigrants to ensure there will be enough jobs for their citizens.

The United Kingdom will benefit from Brexit because they will be able to make their own actions which will, in turn, benefit their economy. With that, I have affirmed the resolution, so vote pro.


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2020-09-02 14:38:31
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