That1Samurai, thank you for accepting the debate. I believe Black Lives Matter is an important social movement not only to change American society but to make America truly democratic and civil society. What is Black Lives Matter?
` ` Black Lives Matter(BLM), international social movement, formed in the United States in 2013, dedicated to fighting racism and anti-Black violence,
especially in the form of police brutality. The name Black Lives Matter signals condemnation of the unjust killings of Black people by police(Black people are far more likely to be killed by police in the United States than white people) and the demand that society value the lives and humanity of Black people as much as it values the lives and humanity of white people. BLM activists have held large and influential protests in cities across the United States as well as internationally.` ` 1)
We must keep in mind that in America Black people have been treated unfairly in the fields of education, job opportunity and social welfare for many years. BLM movement emerged to remove many unfair situation facing them and to make free society without discrimination against Black people.
To realize these objectives, BLM movement` ` has fought racism through such means as political action, letter writing campaign, and nonviolent
protests. BLM seeks to combat police brutality, the over-policing of minority neighborhoods , and the abuses by for-profit jails.
Its efforts have included calls for better training for police and greater accountability for police misconduct.` ` 2)
From above arguments I believe that BLM raised the important and urgent problem deeply rooted in American society and have been tackling for making country which places the highest values on equality and humanity.
We can say that Black Lives Matter is an important social movement led by the power of people.
References: 1),2) https://www.britanica.com/topic/Black-Lives -Matter
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2020-10-09 17:53:59
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2020-10-14 17:54:01
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obviously it is important. It is impossible for con to win. He can show that it is horrible, but that still displays the bad side about race support and so is still important.Posted 2020-10-14 07:12:26