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Abortion should not be legal.

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johncunningham2002johncunningham2002 (PRO)
Before I dive in I would like to thank my opponent for their participation.

To begin my argument,

I am sure that we can both agree that if, from the moment of conception, the human fetus is, in fact, a human being abortion should be illegal, because if it is human life -- then abortion is murder. And of course, murder is illegal. 

Therefore, we must establish that a fetus is a human being. 

In order to show that this is true, we have to establish the criteria that make something a human being.

A human being is a living, breathing, organism that partakes in life and possesses humanity.
 - To possess humanity is to have a deeper intangible part of itself that transcends and completes its physical existence.
 - Therefore, It is a human being's job to defend and protect humanity
 - If this is so, we have to arrive at the conclusion that lives must be worth saving -- human life must be worth defending, protecting and saving.
 - So then, it is a necessary part of us to empathize with each other, it is our cumulative obligation to defend humanity and human life.
 - And if the government mandates this obligation, naturally we must not abort because fetuses are living human beings.

How are they human beings?
 - There exist single-cell organisms that are that organism in its entirety. These things can multiply and reproduce -- but they are still that thing.
 - So, from the moment of conception, there exists a complete functioning single cellular organism, that then is a human being because although it will multiply and grow in size it is still, at its core, that cell.
 - Therefore it is human nature to protect and defend that life, then it is against human nature to deny that life.
 - And in participating in such a thing can harm your humanity. (I realize this requires slightly more explanation, please let me know if this is a point of contention that you need more clarification on)

Therefore from the very moment of conception, a human being exists in its most basic, single-celled, form. Thus to deny its humanity would imply that there is some unidentifiable ambiguous change that occurs at some point during the baby's term in the womb. If this is what you believe, at what point does this occur and what is this change?

To sum up my argument, 

The single-celled organism that exists from the moment of conception is, in fact, the very base of all of us. And since we have grown from this first, original, cell we have been human all along. Therefore, if a fetus is human from the very first moment of conception, abortion goes against our natural duty to protect each other and is, in this way, murder and therefore should be illegal.

Thank you for reading, I anxiously await your response!

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2018-10-19 09:08:34
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