Recent Site Updates - Feb 25 2015
Wondering what's new around edeb8? Well wonder no more! Here are some of the great new things that have been added since the last update on here:
- At tagging implemented in many places across the site, including forums, statuses and comments
- New stats for the stats page
- Meaningful profile indicators
- Random background/colors, and background/color presets
- Ability to choose the category for a secret topic debate
- Popup dropdown for challenged users in debate setup
- Judge page shows checkmarks next to judged debates
- Transparent profile theme, and numerous other profile display improvements
- Ability to make your most recent status update be your forum sig
- Expanded judgment comments
- Removing members from teams now works properly
- Disabling chat now no longer makes you inactive
- Fixed critical error in banning
- Shorter notifications
- Fixed spellcheck issues
- Fixes to PDF rendering
- Spam robot protection
- Improvements to display of subforums
- Old status updates can now be favorited
- Ability to use "Speak Debate" on a single round
- Improving font rendering further
- Multi-line forum sigs re-enabled
- And dozens of other new features/bugfixes as always
As usual, enjoy the site everyone! :)
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