Capital Punishment
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That's my personal views -- not necessarily political. I oppose it for other reasons which I also mentioned. Sorry, just now saw this. Haven't been on edeb8 in awhile.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Out of curiosity, would you support theocracy?
I'm attempting to be #1 Judge and #1 forum poster here.
Eh, I don't really know. As a general rule, no.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Why not? If you're willing to legislate based on religion, why not go the whole way and make the U.S. a Christian state?
I'm attempting to be #1 Judge and #1 forum poster here.

admin |
Feb 9 2017 8:43 PM Tejretics:
And while you're at it, why not specifically a Protestant state? And then whose Protestantism do you follow?
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I think the reply was directed toward ColeTrain. I'm an atheist, and a liberal, and don't believe any of this
I'm attempting to be #1 Judge and #1 forum poster here.
I don't believe all "Christians" are real Christians. It's also unreasonable to think making a Christian state would go over well. It would require unnecessary force from government to manage. Middle Eastern countries have experienced this.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
1) How about a Christian state based entirely on your philosophy?
2) It's equally unreasonable to think any policy based solely on Christianity would go over well. For instance, most Christian conservatives want to stop gay marriage: which is a ridiculous, indefensible position.
I'm attempting to be #1 Judge and #1 forum poster here.
1) How about a Christian state based entirely on your philosophy?
What if that would be a secular state?

Krazy |
Feb 28 2017 12:57 PM Tejretics:
For instance, most Christian conservatives want to stop gay marriage: which is a ridiculous, indefensible position
I think all sodomites should be put to death, and see nothing wrong with that. I find it unbelievable that somebody would accept such filth as normal.
He mentioned that policy should be based on Christian values -- the extension of which is a nonsecular state.
I'm attempting to be #1 Judge and #1 forum poster here.
Unless there is no established religion. Influencing your religious values on a state is not the same as establishing a religious state.
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^ this is what I was originally referring to.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
1) No. It wouldn't work.
2) I don't think it's really indefensible or ridiculous. But, that's my opinion, and you have yours.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
I am pro death penalty. If a person murders another they ( i believe) no longer can be trusted to partake in society and society has no obligation to provide for them (via jails, food, taxes).
That being said, i am not confident in our judicial system as it is. I hate that people can be convicted of crimes based off circumstantial evidence. I hate that state prosecutors can (and do) often go on witch hunts and use situations to advocate for more laws as well as to bolster their own personal careers.
A healthy society must have justice in order to function, thrive and be happy. capital punishment is, i believe a just punishment for crimes of murder. However, because i am so skeptical of our current judicial system i would not advocate for capital punishment in any but the most concrete fact/hard evidence based convictions.
Yeah, a lot of this is based on morals and what we think is just.