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Try to justify how meat isn't evil.

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MichaelHobertTheOnlyMichaelHobertTheOnly (PRO)
To be clear, your the one trying to prove meat isn't evil. 

Evil = immoral, which is pretty relative, but some morals are objective. I hope you can agree with me there. If you don't I'll just have to explain why. 

Humans have evolved to the point where we no longer need meat. We have alternatives to meat. There are plenty of alternatives to getting protein such as tofu, nuts, lentils, and etc. B12 is a supplement where you can get what you do not get from those. Humans do not need meat. 

What makes it ethical to kill a cow but human? You could make the argument that the human belongs to the same species as us and therefore we have to bond together and protect our own, which would be Speciesism. Speciesism is pretty much the same as sexism or racism except for the fact that it is discrimination against non humans.

All animals have emotions and can feel pain, there is no humane way to kill something. As proved in the following documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMuFUUfAeAM Animals are tortured and violated on farms their whole lives and then killed.

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2018-12-11 02:51:29
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