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That we should support the New Atheism movement

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1 point
PovskiPovski (CON)
If this movement refers to the ideas promulgated by present-day atheists, then it still has to congeal before we can begin to discuss supporting it.

I find that the idea of abolishing religion lacks a sound theoretical reason. It doesn't stand neither as truth, nor as an aid for humanity.

I also find that this movement stems from a positivism-like vision which is wrong.

Return To Top | Posted:
2017-05-30 09:21:04
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PovskiPovski (CON)
”the idea of abolishing religion lacks a sound theoretical reason. It doesn't stand neither as truth, nor as an aid for humanity.
In this round I elaborate on how the general atheistic view -in which New Atheism is naturaly rooted- is far from ideal.

The limited spectrum of atheism:

The main problem with atheism is that it is blind to some aspects of reality.
There is a popular phrase used by atheists regarding the ”God of the gaps” trap, the accuse being that religious belief is based on science problems which humans have not found a solution for yet. Thus, ”God” is merely a name for the realm of unanswered questions , a concept used to avoid the explanation of the unknown and it can only be reduced by new discoveries. In other words, God and human knowledge are opposing terms. This a casing point for a narrowness of perspective, because the existence of God is not a matter of scientific enquiry. Actually, it resides outside the borders of human language and thus cannot be discussed. Therefore, the appropriate way to describe the relationship of God is not hiding behind the unknown, but laying beyond our observationsOur deeply mysterios existence inspires a feeling of awe not as a consequence of what we cannot ”see”, but as a consequence of what we ”see” and admire. (The term ”see” here is supposed to mean more than visual sensations -i.e. observations, thoughts, feelings)

Return To Top | Posted:
2017-06-13 07:31:59
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it ain't that it's better, it just looks more planarly organized
Posted 2017-05-18 04:01:08
it ain't that it's better, it just looks more planarly organized
Posted 2017-05-18 03:01:04
it ain't that it's better, it just looks more planarly organized
Posted 2017-05-18 03:01:01
Hey mate. Thanks for the advice. Why do you think that arguing as Pro rather than as Con would have been better?
Posted 2017-05-15 16:14:17
if you were to do something like this and then place yourself in the con position then you should´ve betterly placed yourself on the pro side by changing the title to "That we Shouldn´t support the New Atheism movement"
Posted 2017-05-15 13:35:22
Posted 2017-05-15 13:33:58
The judging period on this debate is over

Previous Judgments

2017-06-27 08:54:26
devinator534 (DDO)Judge: devinator534 (DDO)
Win awarded to: Povski
I mean I think this one is PRETTY obvious! Silence is concession thereby meaning that Povski obviously wins the debate. He also provided arguments with weight. Good job to Povski and I hope you find a legitimate debater next time.
0 comments on this judgement

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  • Time to post: 1 week
  • Time to vote: 3 days
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