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That schools should not make any special allowances for any religion

5 points
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DebatingAngelDebatingAngel (PRO)
I agree with this. Nobody should make any special allowances just because of there beliefs. They are people in the same school so they should be respected how other people are respected. No matter if you are an Atheist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim or any other religion-everyone should be treated the same. If not then it is just not fair on the other people around.

So I agree with this argument, schools should NOT make any special allowances for any religion. 

Thank you for reading.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-05-17 07:09:48
| Speak Round
DebatingAngelDebatingAngel (PRO)
So far, my opponent has forfeited the first round. 
From my quarrelsome, I said that no one should make any special allowances in any schools. I still stick to my word. We can't change our beliefs just to make it fair. Though we can't make any singular allowances for those who have different beliefs, we can talk about it. 

I know that in any schools, they do  Personal, Social and Health Education (also known as PSHE). Sometimes you talk about religions/beliefs. By doing this, the teachers,or whoever is teaching PSHE, may feel sorry for them because their's maybe only one Hindu, Muslim, Jew and so on. So they make the people who they feel sorry for do something different than the crowd like in R.E/R.S (Religious Education or Religious studies). I really don't agree with this action.

Thank you for reading. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-05-20 23:15:33
| Speak Round
DebatingAngelDebatingAngel (PRO)
Nobody should be making any special allowances for anyone. It is cruel to the other people around. It may make the teacher or someone feel better, but it make the other people around feel worse. 
You may have noticed that I am doing a really short debate because Pratyush Jain has forfeited every round so far.
Thank you for reading.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-05-24 19:28:35
| Speak Round
DebatingAngelDebatingAngel (PRO)
Making allowances for different beliefs isn't the right thing to do. Yes, everyone is special but schools shouldn't make any allowances. 
I am happy this is the last round because Pratyush Jain is annoyingly not doing anything! 
Thank you for reading.
Please vote for me!

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-05-27 23:13:09
| Speak Round

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Previous Judgments

2016-06-01 02:57:10
Priest of SwagJudge: Priest of Swag
Win awarded to: DebatingAngel
2016-06-01 05:54:27
Bi0HazardJudge: Bi0Hazard    TOP JUDGE
Win awarded to: DebatingAngel
DebatingAngel did a good job on posting rounds, and Pratyush Jain did good at forfeiting.
But since a debate is about actually posting rounds, the one who didn't forfeit wins.
An easy win for DebatingAngel.

Why do people accept debates and forfeit every round?

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2016-06-03 06:51:51
ModernPictJudge: ModernPict
Win awarded to: DebatingAngel
DebatingAngel won as Pratyush Jain forfeited EVERY round.
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2016-06-04 05:14:05
CrimsonJudge: Crimson
Win awarded to: DebatingAngel

Angel won, Pratyush didn't even attempt.
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2016-06-04 10:45:41
CrowJudge: Crow
Win awarded to: DebatingAngel

Nobody cares that you agree with yourself.

Don't bother just stating everything you believe to be true. Those are not arguments, and therefore have no impacts whatsoever.

Now I am going to give some pointless advice that goes without saying... Don't forfeit.
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Rules of the debate

  • Text debate
  • Individual debate
  • 4 rounds
  • 8000 characters per round
  • Reply speeches
  • No cross-examination
  • Community Judging Standard (notes)
  • Forfeiting rounds does not mean forfeiting the debate
  • Images allowed
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  • Unrated debate
  • Time to post: 2 days
  • Time to vote: 5 days
  • Time to prepare: None
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