Firstly I would like to say I don't know where you are basing this argument on which country as all are different so I think you may be basing it around the American education system but I dunno💁so I'll work with the American education system.
I don't know what the American system is but I've seen from internet friends that high school is basically from (uk) year 7 up to year 13.Now that in England means
year 7-year 11=secondary school in England
year 12-year 13= college in England
So that means that college there is university here
Confusing I know
So basically we have to pay for university
You have to pay for college
I have no idea if you come out of college with a degree? Like we would in university.
Okay so..
"As several recent studies have underscored, a college degree is a pathway to a more stable life, financially and otherwise, even for students who struggled in high school. Other studies show that there is no better short-term or long-term investment for the rest of society than higher education. For example, one study shows that new spending on public colleges, which would be sparked by an influx of more students, produces more economic activity than a similar-sized tax cut, or similar spending on roads and bridges. And, over their lives, college graduates smoke less, commit fewer crimes, draw less on social welfare programs, and generate more taxes."(http://www.nea.org/home/62740.htm)
That clearly explains my argument
And before you jump to the negatives read this:
"Those who oppose free public higher education roar that it would be a hardship on campuses, that it would mean more students and less money, that hundreds of faculty and staff would be fired. This is false. In Tennessee, which recently instituted free community college, they are busy hiring more faculty to teach the classes to all the new students thrilled about the opportunity to get a higher education."(from the same source as above)
And to end it on a high:
"In my view, education is essential for personal and national well-being. We live in a highly competitive, global economy, and if our economy is to be strong, we need the best-educated workforce in the world. We won’t achieve that if, every year, hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college while millions more leave school deeply in debt. We need to ensure that every young person in this country who wishes to go to college can get the education that he or she desires, without going into debt and regardless of his or her family’s income."(https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bernie-sanders-america-needs-free-college-now/2015/10/22/a3d05512-7685-11e5-bc80-9091021aeb69_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.03fd646951a4)
Beautiful 🙌
Return To Top | Posted:
2018-04-17 05:37:00
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Pro claimed that making education free will make more college graduates. However, this is wrong. Making education free only means that students do not need to pay, but places for attending college is still the same, so the number of college graduates will not increase. The topic is not about increasing the number of college degrees.
If you want to help students who can't afford college/university, why not get financial aid instead?
Many college students have to work during studies to pay their food and housing, so they have less time for studying and thus perform less well in college, which lead to a poor job in the future, so providing free education is not enough to help poor students . The money which is used to give rich people free college education should be given to the poor students for their living. The resources of the government is limited, and they should be spent on the poor students in need, rather than providing everyone free education, including the rich.Here are the problems caused by free education:
1. Students may change their study program for many times, wasting the government's moneyAs education is free, students may want to stay in college for many years to enjoy the facilities. Therefore, they change their program for many times, in order to stay in college for many years.
2. Students are less motivated to study
Post graduate education should not be free. People do not need to get post graduate education to perform well in the workforce. Apart from having an undergraduate degree, communication skills, presentation skills and other soft skills are more important. It is true that college nowadays try to equip students with these skills, but workplace is the best place to practice these skills. The knowledge learnt in post graduate degrees are not very useful in the workplace, and they may not work in that field after they graduate. That's why it is unreasonable to ask taxpayers to pay for post graduate education.If students has to pay for attending college, they would work harder because they don't want to waste the money. If college education is free, students may take college education for granted, just skip lectures and tutorials, fail exams.
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2018-04-18 01:57:40
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Round Forfeited
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2018-05-02 01:58:01
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What is the point of giving rich people free education? Should we spend the money on the poor instead? Pro never replied to this because he/she admit that giving free education to each and every student is not a wise action.
At the beginning of this debate, in round 1, pro is really eager to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Pro wants people to be able to get educated no matter what their family income is. But giving free education will only make the rich even richer, the poor even more poor. Poor students are still less likely to get to college or universities because they want to earn money for themselves and their family members as soon as possible. They have to get part time jobs to earn a living for themselves while studying, so they have less time to study, which make their results not as good as the rich students.
This house believe that poor students should be given financial aid, and the amount of money they get should be enough for them to pay the fees in universities or college, as well as their daily expenses, so that they can study without worrying that their parents had to pay for their living when they are studying. However, rich students who can afford higher education and their daily expenses should not be provided free education because the government's resources is always limited, and it is important that it should be used on people who really need it.
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2018-05-05 15:34:00
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Exactly 👍Posted 2018-05-07 23:38:06