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Same-sex parenting is child abuse.

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1 point
dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
I'm really not sure where to even begin. I think this is the first time I've won a debate without even having to reply. 

But on a more serious note, you need to do a better job explaining that. What do you mean? Perverted behavior can be perpetrated by different sex or same sex parents, so you need to explain. 

How is same-sex parenting itself a child abuse? It's certainly not illegal. Child abuse is illegal, but I don't see same-sex parents getting persecuted. 
So if you are trying to establish that this is child abuse, the burden at the moment lies on you to prove this. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 15:36:57
| Speak Round
David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Different-sex parenting cannot be perverted---different-sex affection is normal. On the contrary, same-sex affection is perverted. Exposing children to perversion is psychological child abuse, obviously.
2.Same-sex parents are not prosecuted because the courts have mistakenly allowed them to adopt.

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 16:35:46
| Speak Round
dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
What is the basis for "normal"? Same sex affection can be normal for the two same-sex partners involved, it can also be normal for the child that is raised by the same-sex partners. 
Abuse is the consequence of an action, you can look up a dictionary if you want but it concerns use or treatment. You cannot abuse somebody through your identity alone.
This is why I say that abuse can be perpetrated by same-sex parents or different-sex parents. Abuse is determined by what the parents do, but not by the identity of the parents. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 17:54:12
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1."Normal" means "in compliance with design". Dumb question. 2.Of course insane behavior seems normal to insane people! How can you say it's normal for their poor adopted child?? 3.Identity is irrelevant. The BEHAVIOR of the Sodomite parents is what psychologically abuses the adopted child. 4.Again, it is impossible for the modeling of normal attraction (heterosexual parenting) to be abusive to children.
Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 18:15:18
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dengu0924dengu0924 (CON)
"Insane" and "Poor" according to who, you? 

It seems you have a preconceived, totally unfounded belief about the behavior of same-sex parents. Do you perhaps think all same-sex parents engage in anal-sex in front of their children or something? I take this to be the case, inferring from your comments such as "The BEHAVIOR of the Sodomite parents is what psychologically abuses the adopted child." 

Same-sex parenting says nothing about the behavior of the parents. You're simply trying to make your point by pulling out false evidence from thin air. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-12-24 18:41:36
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David NicholsDavid Nichols
Crying "troll" is for small minds.
Posted 2020-12-27 13:55:19
I hope you're just a troll otherwise God seriously help this person
Posted 2020-12-27 13:51:06
David NicholsDavid Nichols
Looking at debate voting, I can see there's no changing the opinions of these troubled people.
Posted 2020-12-27 11:23:16
David NicholsDavid Nichols
deng--1.Homosexuality is insane because it's similar to being attracted to yourself, and because, if it were normal, there'd be no people. Dumb question. 2.Every normal person thinks a child is "poor" who is exposed to perversion. 3.Sodomite parents hold hands, hug, kiss, etc. in front of the child. This will confuse his mind and, hence, likely corrupt his own behavior. His friends will tell him what his parents do to each other in the bedroom. This will also poison his mind and spirit.
Posted 2020-12-25 04:50:59
The judging period on this debate is over

Previous Judgments

2020-12-27 08:39:52
RishiD123Judge: RishiD123
Win awarded to: dengu0924
I believe dengu won this debate as he was able to establish his argument in a clear and coherent fashion, roadmapping step by step why same-sex parenting is not child abuse. He also managed to lay the burden of proof on Pro which was a unique tactic.

David - I would suggest first defining the terms upon which the debate is on. For example if you found a definition fo what "perversion" is and then use that the back up your argument. Also I would recommend not using terms such as normal or ordinary as they make unnecessary generalizations about the world.

Dengu - I think you did a really good job here and the only thing I would suggest is to provide some empirical evidence to back up your logical deductions.
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