No.You can't have too many toys. Toys are just like memories-if you throw a toy away, you throw a memory away. At a young age, toys mean happiness, tea cup parties and friends. Don't just think about the children though, think about the adults! They may spend a lot of money just trying to keep a child happy with friends. They care for their kids surely but the parent need to make sure they don't spoil their child/children. You may think I am going a bit two faced with this debate right now but I am not. I am sticking with my opinion-nobody can have to many toys! Too many toys mean lots and lots of memories.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-05-10 19:27:17
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Round Forfeited
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2016-05-17 19:28:01
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Hi debating Arena, it's your turn to debate!
Posted 2016-05-11 06:04:14
Hi I am new to this platform. Apparently I will con your "Can you have too many toys?" Can you please send me your pro statement? Thanks!Posted 2016-05-10 13:41:40
yeah, sorry it was just because i wasn't online then! 😃
Posted 2016-05-09 19:24:40
@DebatingAngel hey, you bailed when you challenged me last time XDPosted 2016-05-09 08:13:42
Hopefully, someone will actually want to debate against me!Posted 2016-05-09 07:44:57